About the App

Do you want to learn basic Japanese?

If you want to learn basic Japanese words, then this will be your app! This app presents you with features like Words of the Day, lessons separated in various categories, and even games! Download now in the App Store.

Platform: iOS

Supported iOS Version: 17.0 and above

Current Version: 1.4

Fee: Free

Available in: App Store



In the Home screen, a lesson will be displayed as a "Lesson of the Day". It displays character, phonetic pronunciation, and translations.

Pronunciation can be played by clicking the play icon.


In the Courses screen, you can select courses that are separated in several categories.

Once you choose the categories, you can open the lesson and look up its character, phonetic pronunciation, and translations.

Pronunciation can be played by clicking the play icon.


In the Game screen, you can choose a lesson mode or game mode.

Lesson mode lets you choose the answer until you get a correct answer, but game mode will keep your scores regardless of you answer.

You can also select the courses to be played. If courses are not selected, the lessons under that course will not appear.


In the Favorites screen, lessons that are marked favorite will be listed here.

You can easily open your favorite lesson from this feature.


For any technical issues and feedbacks, please click here.


The developer of Japanese Basic takes your privacy very seriously.

Japanese Basics does not collect, transmit, store, or distribute or sell your data.

For any questions, please use the support form above.

S. Anzai. All rights reserved.